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This technique, often used by writers, occasionally baffles kids.

To help them become familiar with flashbacks, ask children if they have ever seen movie or TV show that begins with a spectacular crash scene and then flashes back to events that led up to the crash.

Encourage them to mention specific intances where they have seen this method of storytelling in action.
Discuss why the word fashback describes this technique effectively.

Next ask the students to read orally or silently the selected story.

On a table place face up, in random order, a set of flashcards that contain hort statements about the key events in the story.

Have the children arrange the cards to tell the tale as it is written, checking the text for accuracy if necessary.
They then can skim the story to locate the passage that indicates the start of the flashback.

Help them understand that if the events are told in chronological order, the story probably would have begun at the point where the flashback begins.
The group can rearrange the cards to show the story events in chronological order.

Follow up with a work sheet that lists 10 important happenings in the story.

Have children number the sentences to show the actual chronological order of the events.


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