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Distribute one colored piece of construction paper 12.5 cm by 10 cm ( 5" x 4") and 12 white  strips 7.5 cm by 2.5 cm ( 3" x 1") to each student.

Have them fold up the bottom edge of the larger piece about 2.5 cm ( 1 ") to form a pocket.
Then staple or tape the two open edges together.

On the white strips, ask them to inscribe large numerals (0 to 9) with felt-tip pens, making duplicates of the 1 and the 2.

When the game starts, children arrange the numerals in sequence on their desks.
Start the game by saying, "I'm thinking of another name for `7 x 4'."
On the signal, "Show me," students fit the answer into the pocket and hold up the card.
Facts from all basic operations can be used.

This game causes no embarrassment for children who hesitate or hold up incorrect answers repeatedly.
Suggest that such children construct another set of cards for home practice.

"Show Me" cards will promote fact mastery and also help you to instantly identify those children who need extra practice.

Students can make their own and keep them in their math folders for easy access.

roman numerals

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